Saturday, December 27, 2008


The Prelude
Ten minutes before the worship begins, the Prelude should start. As the worshippers enter their seats, they should pray and meditate, preparing themselves to receive the Word of God. One shuts the worldly things out.

The Procession
This is symbolic of the approach of God’s children to His throne. The choirs march with a togetherness, in step with music. This music should be a song of jubilation and triumph, sung with great favor. The choirs do not enter the Chancel until God’s blessings have been invoked by the Minister, if such has not been done in the choir room.

The Call to Worship
The Call to Worship is to remind those who are assembled, that God is a spirit and must be worshipped in spirit and truth. The Minister sounds the trumpet, calling the Church into a worship session. No matter what words he or she may use, it means nothing else is at hand except the worship.

The Invocation
The first act in the worship itself is the Invocation. This is a short prayer by the Minister, while standing, invoking God’s presence and blessings upon the choirs and congregation assembled to worship. This prayer should not be a long drawn out prayer but straight to the point of invokement.

The Hymn of Praise
This is the first hymn of the worship. It expresses praise, rejoicing in gratitude. The hymn also ascribes glory and honor to His name. This should be a lively hymn with great jubilation and praise.

The Responsive Reading
The Responsive Reading gives the whole congregation an opportunity to share in the reading of the Word. It also reflects the togetherness of the congregation toward its central theme of worship, God.

The Gloria Patri
The Gloria Patri is the connecting link between the Old and New Testament Scripture. The Christian faith includes the Father, the Son, and the Holy Ghost, this makes the Christian faith, Trinitarian. It also expresses our belief in the Judeo Christian Faith. It is said or sung. It is a salute to the trinity and should never be said or sung while sitting or kneeling. The posture should be, standing, head up, eyes open, Remember it is not a prayer.

Affirmation of Faith
This is a constructive act in rejoicing in the truth. To recite a creed is to declare a faith with boldness and conviction as a code by which to live and die. There is great value in confessing the faith that binds the worshippers to a common heritage. There are a number of creeds to recite. This is why it is necessary to name the creed to be recited. Any and every creed should be said while standing with the head up, eyes open and with conviction. Always remember, that is not a prayer.

The Scripture
The lesson from the Holy Scriptures is the sounding board of the sermon that is to be preached. It is also significant as religious meditation guiding through spiritual verities. The lesson should be carefully chosen. A reader who is absorbed in the message to the point of forgetting oneself, becomes a voice for the utterance of truth. The Bible holds the central place in Christian worship as the voice of divine revelation. It is God speaking to us, for it is the Word of God.

The Call to Prayer
This may be said by the Minister or sung by the choirs and congregation. It is intended to prepare the people for prayer. It assures the congregation of God’s willingness to hear and answer prayer.

The Pastoral Prayer
This is a prayer of intercession. It is a meeting of mutual concerns of the congregation. Extemporaneous prayers may wonder for or settle into well-worn phrases. Yet to not meet the needs of the congregation and often miss the sense of direct address of God. The Pastoral Prayer is not only a priestly privilege but it is the responsibility of the Pastor, who is more sensitive to the needs of the congregation.

The Choral Selection or Congregational Song
This is a musical outburst to express praise, rejoicing, gratitude, faith consecration, and rededication.

Ministry of Kindness or Benevolence Offering
This is the period of worship where we practice Christianity. Remember how the Lord said it is more blessed to give than to receive? We could very well be on the receiving end. Since we are privileged to give, Christians can not help but share some of the blessings with those who are less fortunate than we. Remember how the Scriptures said also, “He who hath this world’s goods and seeth his brother hath need and shutteth up his bowels of compassion from him, how dwelleth the love of God in him?” God will also reward the giver.

Pastoral Observations, and Announcements
This may be done by the Pastor or his designee. They should be concise and relevant to the Christian Church or concerns that it can support. In connection with announcements, visitors should be recognized and made to feel welcome.

The Offering
Here, we can dramatize the generous impulse to give. The gift without the giver is bare. Yet if the giver offers himself, there is encounter. Here the historic devotion of sacrifice is re-enacted. Whether it is laid in the offering plate or brought forward and laid on a table, one’s sacrificial gift should represent his best offer to God. A genuine offering has the emotional release of surrender and the votive act of dedicating one’s self as a living sacrifice.

Hymn of Preparation
This is a carefully chosen hymn, intended to give the congregation the final preparation to receive the message.

The Sermon
The Sermon is the central part in most protestant worship services, bringing a united search for the deeper meaning and concerns of the religious life, to declare and decide to follow this way. The Sermon expounds the Scripture that was read. All the foregoing preparations have been moving toward this point. Faith comes by hearing. How can we bear without a preacher? How can he preach unless he has been sent.

The Invitation
After the exposition of God’s Word, we “open the doors of the church” and extend the invitation to Christian Discipleship to those who would declare and decide to follow in the way. Those who accept the invitation and come forward, make an open declaration of their desire to flee from the wrath that is to come: and become a disciple under this fellowship. The hymn of invitation is sung as an indication of our desire to be consecrated to Him.

The Closing Hymn
This is a carefully chosen hymn, expressing thanks and requesting God’s presence to be with us, that His guiding had sustain us until we come together in another corporate worship.

The Benediction
The benediction signifies an act of “at ease.” It also offers repose easily lost in closing the service. The benediction sends the worshippers forth with the guiding and sustaining presence, “even unto the end of the world.” (Matthew 28:20)

The Postlude
This is the period of reflection on the worship experience. In these moments of quietness before departing, the value of the whole service may be summed up in perspective.


Our order of worship may have variations in what is done, how it is done and what position it is done. This is largely because of the degree of freedom given in the Evangelical Church. This is a freedom that is slowly being extended to the Catholic Church. It does not matter what is done or how it is done, everyone should know its meaning and should have a reasonable understanding of Our Order of Worship.

Happy Sunday!!!!

Monday, November 10, 2008

Be part of Scotts Chapel Church

"And let us consider one another in order to stir up love and good works; not forsaking the assembling of ourselves together, as is the manner of some, but exhorting one another, and so much the more as you see the Day approaching." Hebrews 10:24,25

511 Tulip Grove Road, Hermitage TN 37076
Contact Pastor Jenkins at

Worship Services & Bible Study

Power Prayer Moment Daily
12:00 p.m. (Anywhere)

Sunday Morning Services
11:00 a.m.

Sunday Communion Service
Every First (1st) Sunday
11:00 p.m.

6:00 p.m.

Intercessory Prayer
6:45 p.m.

Bible Study
7:00 p.m.
(Separate classes for Children and Youth)

Our Beliefs

WE BELIEVE in a God who is infinite and eternal, omniscient (all knowing), omnipotent (all powerful) and omnipresent (everywhere at the same time), who has been manifested and revealed in Jesus Christ and still lives among us as the Holy Spirit.
WE BELIEVE that Jesus Christ is the final and fullest revelation of God and that he is both fully human and fully divine (Heb. 1:1-3).
WE BELIEVE that Jesus Christ came into the world to save sinners (I Tim. 1:15) and that having conquered death he now reigns as Lord of all (Rev. 11:15).
WE BELIEVE that if we confess with our mouth that Jesus is Lord and believe in our hearts that God raised him from the dead, we shall be saved (Romans 10:9).
WE BELIEVE that Jesus died for our sins (I Cor. 15:3) not because he had to, but because he loves us and that each of us is important, really important, in the eyes and in the heart of God (Jn. 15:13).
WE BELIEVE that once we confess Jesus as Lord, the Holy Spirit becomes a permanent presence in our lives (Jn. 14:16-17).
WE BELIEVE that the Holy Spirit fills (Eph. 5:16) anoints (Lk. 4:18) empowers (Acts 1:6) and bestows gifts upon us (I Cor. 12:4-6) to equip the saints for ministry, to edify the body of Christ (Eph. 4:12) and set the captives free (Lk. 4:18).
WE BELIEVE that the Bible is the inspired word of God written by fallible human beings who were under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit and that it contains all things necessary for salvation (II Tim. 3:14-17).
WE BELIEVE that the Lordship of Jesus Christ mandates that we tithe, which means giving 10 percent of our gross income to the church, and that the failure to tithe is flagrant disobedience to the word of God (Mat. 3:8-10).
WE BELIEVE in one Church, established by Jesus Christ, and called by many names and manifested in many traditions (Eph. 4:4-6).
WE BELIEVE that the Church is called to witness to others and to introduce them to Jesus Christ, who saves us. We believe that any and everyone can become a new person in Jesus Christ. (II Cor. 5:16).
WE BELIEVE that because Jesus was resurrected from the dead, we too, shall live eternally in a body that is immortal and incorruptible (II Cor. 15:20-23).
WE BELIEVE that according to God's Word and promise, Jesus is coming back in glory and that we shall live with him forever (I Thes. 4:13-18).
WE BELIEVE that until the time of Christ's return or our departure, God wants us to grow and grow and keep on growing until we reach full maturity as followers of our Lord Jesus Christ.

Friday, November 7, 2008

Ministries Descriptions

Scotts Chapel has many ministries to meet the needs of your mind, body and soul. Here are some of our ministries are listed below which provide spiritually-rewarding experiences.

The Way Warrior:
A ministry of the church that provides support to new members. Each new member receives a call after joining the church, welcoming them, answering questions, and inviting them to New Members' Class and Bible Study. Each new member is encouraged to get involved in some organization or ministry of Scotts Chapel. The Followers are also responsible for coordinating the quarterly New Members' Fellowship.

"Be ye followers of me, as I also am of Christ" (I Cor 11:1)

The Way Mentors:

Joining a church can be a bit daunting. New members need help in bonding with their new church and feeling secure in their decision to make Scotts Chapel their church home. The Mentors ministry serves to assist with the intake and nurturing of new members through a three-month introductory period and through orientation, until they are read into membership and receive the right hand of fellowship.

Christian Education Ministry:

The Christian Education Ministry is responsible for organizing and implementing Christian training for all ages. In cooperation with the Church School, Young People’s Division of the Missionary Department and the Pastor, this ministry develops church seminars and other events to help all members to grow in knowledge and service.

Pastor’s Bible Study & Discipleship; Prayer Meeting Ministry:

The mission of Scotts Chapel AME Church is to transform lives through the Love of God, Proclamation of the Gospel of Jesus Christ and Power of the Holy Spirit by worshiping, serving and teaching. Accordingly, this ministry trains individuals in the knowledge of the Bible and gives some biblical and theological responses to help people deal with daily stresses and issues of today's society.

The Sunday School:

Sunday school is not just for children – “It's a Family Affair.” It is the primary teaching and Bible study ministry of the church. Age specific classes are designed to increase biblical knowledge and understanding of its application to our lives, and our roles as disciples. There are classes to meet everyone's needs and interests. "...Teach me your ways so I may know you..." (Ex 33:13, NIV)

Sarah Allen Missionary Society:

Scotts Chapel missionaries carry out a program of feeding the hungry, taking care of sick and shut-in members through its foodbank, sponsoring Christmas programs in December and July and giving monetary donations quarterly to community programs.
"...Faith without works is dead." (James 2:17)

Youth Ministry

The Youth Ministry develops and implements an innovative Life Issues track which focuses on scripture teaching as the basis for youth conflict resolution and life transformation. It assists the youth in establishing a Youth Council responsible for creating opportunities for youth to develop skills in stewardship, organization, leadership, communications, and time management.

Sons of Allen (Men’s Ministry):

This ministry was organized to gather together the men of the church for fellowship and spiritual growth. A monthly prayer breakfast is held on the first Saturday of the month for prayer, praise and testimony. The Men’s Bible Study further strengthens and empowers the SOA.

The Lay Organization

The Lillian Cockrill Lay Organization of the Church seeks to:
1. Instill in its membership a love and appreciation of the history, tradition and principles of African Methodism
2. Encourage the support of the total program of the local church
3. Organize and train lay members in the objectives of the Connectional Lay Organization.
"Obey your leaders and submit to their authority. They keep watch over you as men who must give an account. Obey them so that their work will be a joy..." (Heb 13:1)

Married Couples’ Ministry:

When the honeymoon is over how do you keep the marriage strong? One resource is the Married Couples Ministry (MCM) at Scotts Chapel. The purpose of MCM is to embrace and respect the sanctity of marriage. Whether you are newly-weds or “oldie-weds” the ministry can help nurture and strengthen your marriage and family relations. Bible study and the annual married couples retreat are among opportunities to share the trials and successes of marriage.

Van Ministry:

The Van Ministry is committed to transporting senior citizens of Metropolitan to and from worship service and other church related activities. At other times, the van is available for use by other church ministries and organizations for church related functions.

Scotts Chapel AME Church

Real Church Real People Real Change

SCOTTS CHAPEL is a vibrant, loving and family-oriented community in service to the people of Hermitage, Davidson and Wilson County. All we are and all we do flows from our common worship and love of God. We are able to reach out and love others because God first loved us. We bring a unique approach to church and worship. With 225 members our primary demographic is a single and working middle-class family environment, the majority of our members are between 30-65, and our next popular segment is our youth, over 75 under 18 years old. At Scotts chapel we are striving more and more to become like Christ.

It is a fellowship in which each member is urged to make his calling and election sure, and to take seriously their commitment to Jesus Christ.

It is a fellowship which seeks to make love the motivating factor in its approach to all of life.

Scotts Chapel will raise our shield of faith to quench the attacks of the enemy.
· Believe again that God can and wants to supply our needs.
· Believe again that we can discover God's purpose for our lives and to find meaning for living an abundant Christ-centered lifestyle.
· Believe again that we are committed to maintaining a strong biblical-based faith in God, while experiencing Spiritual Growth and Development.
· Believe again that the God who has begun a good work in our church will carry it through until Jesus comes back again.
· Believe again that we can re-teach our traditions and develop new ones.
· Believe again that God is able and can enable us to great and marvelous things.
Without faith it will be impossible to lease God. Without a renewed confidence in us, our church and our God it will be difficult to raise the standard of ministry and bury mediocrity with excellence. A fresh wind will fan the embers of our faith to help us establish a new AME church culture that builds positively upon the past, lays the foundation for the future and work diligently in the present. The Lord will give the increase!

Come and worship with us!

Worship is at the heart of all we do at SCOTTS CHAPEL.
Our primary reason for gathering is to worship God, but the work of the church does not stop there. We make and share lasting friendships.

We learn the needs of others and find compassion to help meet those needs. We are served during our special times of need by those who have knelt with us at Holy Communion, participated with us in baptisms, joined with us in congregational prayer, and sung with us the great hymns of the church.

Sermons by our pastor are Biblically centered, seeking to inspire, uplift, inform and challenge us to be good stewards of both the mysteries and the gifts of God. Special attention is given to making sermons relevant to the world in which we live.

Songs Of Praise

Our music program is rich and varied, including offerings by the Senior choir, Voices of Praise, and occasional music by the Young Impressions choir, and Male chorus.

Scotts Chapel Mission Statement

To grow fully mature followers for our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ
The principal focus of our ministry is helping people to discover God's purpose for their lives and to find meaning for living an abundant Christ centered lifestyle.
We are committed to maintaining a strong biblical-based faith in God, while experiencing Spiritual Growth and Development.
At SCOTTS CHAPEL we understand that to know the Word of God is one of the most important components of every believer’s life.
For it is in the study of God’s Word that one first learns to follow Christ and become His disciple, and secondly, learns how to apply the Word of God to their everyday life.
It is God’s desire that every believer study His Word, grow spiritually and “make disciples”. A disciple of Christ is a “learner”—one who not only learns but one who also “follows” Christ. To follow Christ, one must know and understand the principles by which one must live.
Consequently, we are guided, instructed, and empowered by the Holy Spirit, which enables us to live in the world while living above worldly ways. Expect a Change!

Vision Statement
To grow fully mature Christians through Spirituality, Education, Stewardship and Service

...A PLACE OF WORSHIP at SCOTTS CHAPEL our primary reason that we meet together is to focus our attention on God, giving him our worship and receiving His blessing and inspiration. We continue to reach new levels of spiritual commitment and seriousness that is adding substantially to a greater anointing and Christ consciousness manifesting itself in all of our worship experiences. As we enter into the presence of God we invite Him to move and allow His spirit to flow free. We open our hearts unto God and ask Him to have His way. By humbling ourselves, lifting our hands, and singing praise unto God we evoke His presence. We invite you to come worship with us!

Growing Christian Warriors for God's Glory

...A PLACE OF LOVE & CARING If God so loved us, we ought also to love one another! “God is love. Whoever lives in love lives in God, and God in Him (I John 4:16). As believers who live in God, we must also live “in love”. Therefore it is our duty, through the power of the Holy Spirit, to respond to His love by first coming into a right relationship with Him followed by a right relationship with others. We are proud to say that SCOTTS CHAPEL is truly a PLACE OF LOVE AND CARING where everyone who joins our family feels connected and valued.